Welcome to my block!!!

I am OXTON, but call me Yan!

I started blogging back in February in french (I am french native) at http://oxtonyan.wordpress.com/

Initially, I wanted to blog in english both to challenge myself, and to perfect my english. But, since things don't always happen like you plan them to. I got lazy and I took the easiest way out.

When I started to feel comfortable with my craft, the will to have an "international" audience came back even stronger than before. I thought about translating with google but I wasn't too satisfied by the results.
Anyway, I finally took the leap and here I am doing it on my own and my way! So please bear with me.

Now, what is this all about?
I am very passionnate about words. Who wouldn't appreciate a harsh comment made in an elegant phrase? 

My goal is to open a window so you can peek into my life. I will share my recipes, my reviews of the products that I stumble into, and everything in my surroundings that interest or inspire me.

So, enjoy the ride!

Be smart, act stupid!


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